Our company name, Adventure Sports, tells you everything you need to know about what we do. We live and breathe adventure and we aim to give you the best experience.
The Adventure Sports team is innovative and fast moving, and we love our job. We offer amazing activities that will leave you breathless and will give you a sense of accomplishment that will last for a lifetime.
As a team, we pride ourselves in delivering the best quality activities in the area. For us, this is the most important part of our job. We love what we do and that is the reason our team at Adventure Sports works so well!
If you have ever come to enjoy a day at Adventure sports, you will have seen a few of our faces around the site. Our team work tirelessly to give you an amazing experience which we promise you won't forget.

Steve Richardson
The founder of Adventure Sports, Steve, has over twenty years of experience successfully organising and running the company.
Alongside Piers, who is the most experienced clay shooting instructor, Steve helps with maintaining and instructing on clay pigeon shooting. They both aim to give the best experience and both are very good shots!
One of Steve's main priorities is health and safety: he will make sure you are completely safe so you don't need to worry!

Charlie Marston
If you call Adventure Sports, Charlie will answer. She has a quirky personality and will never fail to liven up your day! She has been part of the team since March 2011 so she certainly knows the logistics of the company.
Her ability to multi task makes her an invaluable member of the team; processing enquiries, writing quotes, and of course, drinking lots of tea!!
Whilst she is mainly based in the office, Charlie occasionally finds herself out and about on the site, instructing team building exercises and acting as a crash test dummy!

Josh Baker
The senior mechanic on the team, Josh knows everything when it comes to repairing, creating and building. If you have something that needs repair work, he is the one you need: he can fix anything!
Usually found in the workshop fixing a range of different equipment, he is an invaluable members of the team, without which nothing would work, and Adventure Sports would not be able to offer the fantastic activities that we are known for.

Matt Hill
A huge part of the team, Matt is mainly found behind the scenes shuffling papers. He often answers the phone and takes bookings; but can also be found on site ensuring everything is running smoothly.
Matt has been at Adventure Sports since he was 14, so he knows everything there is to know about the company: if you have a question, Matt will know the answer!
When you visit us, Matt is the man you will more than likely meet. He loves his job and will endeavour to make sure you leave with a smile on your face.

James Sanderson
Another main part of the team, James, is the site and event manager. He co-ordinates the majority of activities and likes to reminisce about his involvement in tournament paintballing when he was younger!
You will usually find James in the office sorting out staffing for activities or instructing on an event. He is the man who will order new equipment so he definitely likes to spend the company's money!
The team at Adventure Sports is very unique and diverse. We come from a range of different backgrounds and we all have different personalities, which is why we work so well together as a team.
We revel in creating memorable experiences on a daily basis: our main aim is to ensure a safe but exciting adventure for you to enjoy, and for you to go home with a sense of accomplishment, and, of course, with a smile on your face!